terça-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2009

O que se ouve em Marte #17

O primeiro avanço para o novo álbum dos Animal Colective - Merriweather Post Pavilion, chama-se My Girls. Tem tantas vozes críticas como o contrário, como devem calcular eu posiciono-me pelo contrário. Adoro.

The lyrics focus on the body, basic human connection, the need to take care of oneself, the puzzle of existence. Where the churning electronic sound, with its fizzes and echoes and underwater cast, brings to mind altered states and the confusing gap between the familiar and the strange, the words seem like a running commentary on the essential mystery of being alive. Animal Collective don't tell stories, and their music rarely has characters; there's little clever wordplay and fewer money lines you'll repeat later on. Rather, the words reinforce the sense of vulnerability that cuts through the music, and wind up being an essential component on an album that oozes confidence from every pore. Pitchforkmedia

2 comentários:

M. disse...

viciadissiima nisto.

Martini disse...

Bem vinda M. :)